The Power of Personal Leadership
7 ways to improve your personal performance
Targetgroup: Leaders in organisations and institutions, potential leaders and people who want to take control of their lives and their own development.
After Covey’s 7 Habits of highly effective people comes
7 habits for personal leadership is inspired by Jenny Simanowitz’ 30 years’ experience as communications trainer, performer and consultant.
Well known for her warmth, humour and temperament Jenny Simanowitz has not only a wealth of practical knowledge about how to enhance ones’ own personal development and those of others, she knows how to impart this knowledge in a way which inspires people and moves them to action.
Sprinkled with anecdotes, mini-performances and “audience interactions” her lectures have long been a highlight of every event in which she takes part.
1. Hang on to your vision and don’t let it out of your sight!
We all sometimes lose sight of where we are going. We become overwhelmed by what appears as urgent and forget what is of core importance for our development and our success. Learning to home in on your ideals, your values and your goals is the first step on the path to personal leadership. You don’t have to compulsively force yourself to be disciplined, you just have to learn how to inspire yourself again and again. If you do this, the discipline will come naturally.
2. Know when to stick to your guns and when to let go
Many people give in when they should confront, and fight back when they should cmpromise Practising personal leadership means developing a feeling for when to back down and when to stand up for what you believe or what you want. And it’s useful to learn the art of „ direct diplomacy“- saying what you think in such a way that it will convince people and not offend them.
3. Sticks and Stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me… don’t take things personally
You cannot lead yourself if you’re continually thinking of the „authority“ or of what „the others“ might think of you. Learn the 2 simple ways of reacting to criticism.
- If it applies, accept it
- If it doesn’t apply, ignore it
And remember, criticism often says far more about the person criticizing than about the person being criticised!
4. See yourself as others see you- and decide what to do about it!
Being able to influence the impression you have on others is a crucial aspect of personal leadership. This does not mean being false or pretending to be what you are not. A good personal leader is greedy for feedback as to how s/he appears to others. But s/he doesn’t necessarily let it affect her/his selfimage. S/he chooses to use this feedback to modify behaviour or not
5. Take responsibility for your words and deeds- avoid the „ perfectionism trap“
If there’s one mantra that every would be personal leader should learn it’s „ I don’t have to be perfect!“ Knowing this makes it much easier to admit your mistakes and correct yourself.. and feel good about doing this.
6. Believe in change- in yourself and in your fellow humans
You can always teach an old dog new tricks and we know now that the human brain remains flexible until the end of its life. So, positive change is always possible!
7. Learn what inspires you and what brings you down- seek the former and avoid the latter!
We all have situations and people that give us good vibrations ( energy givers) and those who drive us to despair. Be aware of these and as far as possible pursue situations that enhance your creativity and feeling of wellbeing. Be good to yourself!