

This seminar/workshop  is appropriate for homogenous groups as well as for groups which have a high grade of diversity ( e.g. multicultural, age and/or gendermixed)


It can be used to integrate new team members, as conflict management or simply to strengthen the teamspirit through the participants having fun together and learning to know each other better.



It is based on collective research in which participants explore the best way to be together to achieve their goals.They become aware of the resources which each individual can contribute and learn to build a „team resourcefulness“ in an atmosphere in which participants feel safe and inspired.


The topics are, for the most part, worked through with experiential exercises where the use of humour enhances flexibility, creativity and an optimistic attitude. The variety of methods which are used  include spontaneous theatre and role-play in which the trainer has been a specialist for many years.


Ideally the workshop would last two days, but it is possible to shorten this if necessary.


We examine the group or team as a system. We explore which dynamics influence the communication between the members and the relationships each individual has to other members and to the group as a whole.



  • Conscious and unconscious perceptions and our reactions to these
  • Non-verbal communication ( Body Language and Voice) and their effect on communication processes.
  • How our past experiences affect our present emotions and strategies in regard to how we see others and how we relate to them
  • What patterns lead to cooperative and which lead to non-cooperative behaviour; The distribution of roles; ( official, informal and „unconscious“)Status, statusgames and status-struggles 






In the second part of the workshop groups are formed and each group is required to work on and solve a particular task ( or tasks)

These could include having to reach a consensus about a controversial topic and /or practical challenges which demand creative solutions.

The work in groups forms a basis for feedback and reflection



  • The meaning of Diversity for team performance
  • Investigating the individual personalities within the group or team ( possibly with the use of a questionnaire) and how each member contributes to the success of the team. Exploring ways in which teams come to decisions which are acceptable to all members
  • Investigating the team culture and also the cultural and social values of the individual members, whereby culture here refers to all the learned social norms and ways of behaviour
  • Tolerance of ambiguity as a condition for successful teamwork
  • Empathy as a motivating power