With Jenny Simanowitz and Guy Barriere
Whether we are on the telephone, face-to-face, in a team or with clients, our unconscious perceptions, our body language, our involuntary roles and our projections play a vital part in determining whether our communication is successful. In this „Salestraining-on-the-stage“ topics are investigated which influence the daily communication between client and salesperson. We will analyse those aspects of our behaviour which aid positive communication and success in achieving our goals, and those which act as "blockades."

Topics will include:
- Differences in perception, unconscious perception and how it affects our behaviour.
How we perceive the body language of others. What signals we can read into their body language and what our own body language signalizes, on a conscious as well as on an unconscious level.
- Status-games and how we can react to them
How we play our roles. Which roles we play as a sales person and which unconscious elements enter our role-play.
- How positive communication (for example in obtaining a "yes" from a client) is achieved or hindered.
In which conscious and unconscious ways we develop a positive communication, and in which ways we "block" communication.
How to overcome these blocks. - "Working-to-make-your-partner-look-good"
* The specific content of each seminar is worked out according to the needs of the participants.