LECTURE/WORKSHOP with Performance Elements

„Do you want your staff to die young?”

How offensive and unfriendly behavior in the workplace affects aur health



Jennys Simanowitz



Negative behaviour- even micro-behaviors such as body language or subtexts which are often not consciously perceived can have a strong impact on our sense of wellbeing and ultimately on our health.
We spend an average of 40 weeks a year and 40 hours a week at work. So, potentially, we could have to cope with the aggression of our workmates and our reactions to it for 1600 hours a year!
Fortunately, we do not experience aggression all this time. If we are lucky, we will catch a good team with a strong, friendly boss, where we will experience little or no aggression.
But if the opposite is the case, and we end up in a job full of stress, competition and a weak or authoritarian boss, our daily work can be agony.

But that's not all: maybe we'll die sooner. Several studies have been published in recent years on the effect of the work environment on health. Unfriendliness affects our health.

That's clear enough. But what exactly is unfriendliness? And can friendliness simply be defined as the absence of unfriendliness?



Based on her article in Der Standard (see below) as well as on several studies and research results, Jenny Simanowitz explains, in her well-known pertinent and humorous way, how unfriendly behavior and rudeness can endanger our health.



  • How even micro-behaviors (micro-iniquities) can make you ill.
  • The distinction between the courage to express opinions and personal attacks on the integrity of others
  • Friendliness and unfriendliness as „Roles“
  • The benefits of humour and a pleasant working environment on the overall health in a workplace


Impulse lecture with humorous interventions and participation of the participants.
Through examples and presentations participants are invited to enter the world of a friendly culture where warmth, affirmation and benevolent humor can enhance the enjoyment and sense of purpose of our daily encounters.


Der Standard 2017 - Do You Want Your Staff to Die Young?

Leadership standard 2017.pdf Leadership standard 2017.pdf (1,964.7 kB)